Rest In Peace Azzamdor

Robert Ray, internet presence, defender of the White Historic American Nation, know to the internet as Azzamdor, has died.

A Man Among Me, Azzmador

I have some extremely sad and difficult news to report. The Krypto Report’s Azzmador who was also a close personal friend of mine passed away yesterday morning from a heart attack. His real name was Robert Ray. He was 57-years-old.

I learned of this news yesterday late afternoon after receiving a phone call from his mother. From what I understand, paramedics and doctors attempted to revive him but they were ultimately unsuccessful.

As many of you know, I was a guest on this past Saturday’s TKR Live. Unfortunately, that turned out to be the last episode of Azzmador’s legendary show which had an enormous amount of influence on the dissident right-wing of American politics.

The Krypto Report’s Azzmador Has Passed Away at 57, by Lee Rogers, Infostormer, June 18, 2024

I started listing to Azz long before the pandemic, while I was still with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) when he was on DLive. Azz eventually was forced by internet censorship to other platforms, Odysee, and then to Rumble, were he last streamed just a few days ago. I was even scheduled to be a guest on the show this Friday.

How I became a guest is an interesting story. I was listing to a 9/11 related show and disagreed with one of the co-hosts, Hate Farmer, about the extent of Israeli involvement in 9/11. Of course, we don’t have all the details because those Israelis who were arrested after their celebrations were captured on video, were unceremoniously deported after a few months of interrogation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

I have never been an Israel Did 9/11 guy because the details just did not support that the Mossad did it, rather than were monitoring the Al Qaeda cells in the United States or just knew something was going down. Even what was released about the dancing Israelis suggested they thought it was Palestinian connected. We know though that it was Al Qaeda as this was a second try and that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Saudi intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Presidency (GIP), were monitoring two of hijackers who entered the United States in Los Angeles from Malaysia after the two attended an Al Qaeda meeting there.

Obviously both were hoping to recruit or monitor the two to find out what was going on. We also know that the then head of the GIP was anti-American and pro-Al Qaeda. However, the neo-cons and Israel were able to move quickly to get their anti-Iraq policy in, though the current situation for Israel is now worse that it would have been if 9/11 never happened. Iran and Saudi Arabia are reaching rapprochement, Iran is stronger than Iraq ever was. Overall it was a blunder.

But back to Azz. In the chat I expressed my views and both Azz and Hate Farmer challenged me, and even invited me to the show to talk about it. Both probably thought I was some sort of Israel shill, and after some challenges to get connected that were on me, and they though at first I had accepted the challenge, but was backing out, I got connected.

I explained that I wasn’t an Israel shill and though Israel was obviously monitoring the Al Qaeda cells, Azz and Hate Farmer seemed to give me the benefit of the doubt, at least temporarily, until I mentioned that I was not some random internet presence and did writing on immigration and law enforcement. Azz then realized the connection between my screen name on DLive, Federale, connected the dots, and asked if I was Federale at VDare.

Azz’s attitude completely changed and we went through the issue, with me suggesting that the USS Liberty would be a better issue for dealing with Israeli and jewish issue. We then went on to discuss immigration issues and from then on I came to be an occasional guest on The Krypto Report.

I can say that though I never met Azz in person, he was a great colleague, if I can call him that, a colleague in the war of ideas on the internet.

Here is Azz at his best taking down cucks from the III Percenter movement.

Azz Takes Down The Cucks

Azz was an excellent story teller, intellectually quick, well read, and will be missed.

I sincerely appreciate the time and exposure he gave me on his show as a guest.

RIP Azz.

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