Treason Bar Poster Boy Pushing Fraudulent Asylum Claims Again

Aaron Reichlin-Melnick is at it again. The government of Mexico is collapsing into a failed state and apparently the subsequent crime wave is a legal basis for asylum in the United States. All because drug gangs are expanding into extortion in Mexico. Yes, apparently extortion is new in Mexico. Color me surprised, Mexico has always been corrupt, violent, and dangerous. Mexico is one of the world’s most corrupt nations, ranking near the bottom, number 126, on Transparency International’s index. [Corruption Perceptions Index, unattributed, Transparency International, undated]

Globalist Says You Must Take Infinite Mexicans In Or The Tortilla Vendor Gets It

For government officials, it is always plata o plomo, silver or lead, when dealing with gangs or cartels. Consequently, Mexican government officials allow crime to flourish, with the consequences falling on it’s citizens and on the United States.

Yes, we get both the blame for fighting the drug war, ineffectively mostly, but also the consequences, even more Mexican illegal immigration. First it was the false claim that American agricultural exports destroyed Mexican corn production, then it was the lie that American support for the Mexican government taking out cartel leaders cause crime to diversify. But we also go the fallout of the Mexican failed state, more Mexicans. This time they get asylum because local thugs are extorting tiny Mexican shops that make and sell tortillas. And the Treason Bar and globalists are at the forefront, America must accept any Mexican who feels unsafe.

More Mass Immigration Is Always The Solution To Every Problem

Small businesses stamping out warm tortillas have long been a fixture of Mexican neighborhoods. Now, thousands are being threatened by armed groups, part of a transformation in organized crime that’s rippling through Latin America. Cartels are playing a growing role in the region’s economies, from infiltrating seaports to extorting small businesses — and gaining increasing political power.

How Mexico’s Cartels Infiltrated The Tortilla Business, by Mary Beth Sheridan, Lorena Ríos and Fred Ramos, WaPo, May 23, 2024

Because the current liberal Mexican president won’t protect his people from extortionists, therefore Americans must take in every Mexican.

The expanding criminal grip on the economy is starting to have a spillover effect at the U.S. border. Detentions of Mexicans at the U.S. border — including asylum applicants — have tripled since 2019, reaching about 717,000 last year. People leave the country for many reasons, including better-paying jobs. But an increasing percentage of Mexican migrants say they are fleeing violence and extortion.

In a poll commissioned last fall by the State Department, and not previously made public, 39 percent of Mexicans surveyed said they’d be willing to migrate irregularly to the United States in the following months — a fourfold rise from early 2022.

That is why the refugee industry, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Jewish Family Services (JFSSD), Catholic Charities, and others, are down in Mexico with lawyers instructing Mexicans and others how to get over the border, either through crossing the border or using the CBP One app, then claiming asylum, all because everyone can claim asylum, but the Biden Regime is not immediately deporting by Expedited Removal those who claim asylum based on criminal activity, as being the victim of tortilla based violence or threat of tortilla based violence is not the basis for an asylum claim.

Surprise though, this is not new. Your humble corespondent has been reporting this for decades, tolerating, if not encouraging, asylum fraud was part of the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty and it should be no surprise that Joe Biden continued it. [Asylum Madness, by Federale, Federale Blog, June 24, 2009 and More Asylum Fraud, by Federale, Federale Blog, March 9, 2011]

As mentioned before, fear of crime is not the basis for asylum, which is slyly implied by the Treason Bar, otherwise why this big story of tortilla extortion? It is the old tactic of shameless baby waving by illegal aliens and their advocates. Concoct or report some sad story, imply that entering the United States is the only relief, then blithely ignore the fact that there is no legal relief for tortilla related crimes. The standard for asylum is that an alien must fear persecution by the government which they are fleeing.

An applicant shall be found to be a refugee [and asylee] on the basis of past persecution if the applicant can establish that he or she has suffered persecution in the past in the applicant’s country of nationality or, if stateless, in his or her country of last habitual residence, on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, and is unable or unwilling to return to, or avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country owing to such persecution.

Title 8, Section § 208.13 Establishing Asylum Eligibility, unattributed, National Archives, undated

The Treason Bar and the kritarchy though are conspiring on a work-around, but that has yet to be decided by the Supreme Court. [Perez v. Garland, unattributed, Fourth Circuit Court Of Appeals, undated]

If crime were to become a permanent basis for asylum, the consequences would be that every Mexican would have a right to enter the United States, along with every resident of South and Central America, every resident of Africa, just about the whole world except for the well behave nations of Iceland, Southeast Asia, and East Asian. The Treason Bar and globalists want to make the United States the refuge for the world, except Icelanders and Japanese. Those are more likely to be the victims of the globalists though for their temerity to have safe and secure governance.

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