Where Should Immigration Patriots Be On The Current Palestinian-Israel War?

The Palestinians, at least the Gaza faction, have launched a spectacular attack on Israel, destroying Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) bases and units, as well as generally terrorizing the civilian population, but given Israeli tactics in the past directed at civilians, one cannot really make an issue about it. But that, of course, is irrelevant for Americans in general given the sage advice from George Washington on entangling alliances and John Adams’ advice on being the guardians of our own liberty. For Americans who want to preserve the overwhelmingly White Historic American Nation, is there any impetus for involvement or sympathy on either side?

Generally, the only thing I like about Israel is the really good walls they built separating themselves from Egypt, from Gaza, from the West Bank, and from Lebanon. Though recent events did show that walls that are not closely guarded are not very effective.

Otherwise, Israel is an abhorrent nation of anti-White and anti-Christian bigots who hate those who are the Historic American Nation, and for merely for being White and Christian. Recent incidents in Israel have shown documenting the depth of the hatred for Whites and Christians among Jews and Israelis.

Israelis Spit On Christians
Israelis Want White Americans Dead

Israelis celebrated the 9/11 attacks as well, more likely that they thought the attacks would be good for Israel than for the some more speculative claims that Israel did 9/11. It is clear thought that the Mossad was conducting surveillance of some of the 9/11 hijackers. But two hijackers were allowed into the United States by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in cooperation with the Saudi General Intelligence Presidency, so whatever 9/11 was, it was not just an Israeli false-flag operation. My opinion was that it was Al Queda, but as with most Arabs, they can do a one-off operation, but don’t have a follow through. They just don’t have the IQ.

But it is likely that Israel wanted something to happen, anticipating they could take advantage of what happened. However, we won’t know because Jorge Bush allowed the Israelis arrested to be deported rather than prosecuted. [Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?, unattributed, ABC News, June 20, 2002] But what is well documented is that Israelis and Jews hate the other.

This Is What They Do To You
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir Supports Spitting On Christians

In any event, Israel hates America, as does the CIA and the Wahhabis. For immigration patriots, no Jews or Muslims should be allowed in the United States, and, frankly, the CIA should be abolished, not just for whatever their involvement or incompetence around 9/11, but also for their involvement in the coup against Donald Trump. Remember, the part of coup with the Steele Dossier and the Australian diplomat in London, Alexander Downer, included the involvement of the then London CIA station chief, Gina Hospel, later Trump’s own second CIA director. Personnel is policy.

Worse yet, Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty and killed scores of Americans, showing their contempt for the Historic American Nation. [‘But Sir, It’s an American Ship.’ ‘Never Mind, Hit Her!’ When Israel Attacked USS Liberty, by Ofer Aderet, Haaretz, July 11, 2017]

And it is White Americans that Israel hates. And Israel, the State, openly aids non-White illegal aliens that are currently invading the White nations of Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States, particularly Europe and the United States. IsraAid, an Israeli governmental organization, directly funds and supports the current invasions of Europe and the United States.

In the United States, Jewish groups are at the forefront of the invasion at the southern border, with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) at the forefront aiding and defending the invasion publicly, as well as working to silence critics of the invasion through lies and slander.

Jonathan Greenblatt immediately blamed the ongoing war between Israeli colonists and the native Palestinians on White Americans.

Greenblatt Always Attacks White Americans
The ADL War On The Historic American Nation

That is not to say that the Palestinians are defenders of national sovereignty other than their own. The Palestinians speak often and forcibly about their rights as a people, but not only do they want to invade other nations like the United States, but aid others doing it as well. The most prominent Palestinian American is an Anti-White racist and member of the Treason Bar, Rashida Tlaib.

Anchor Baby, Anti-White, And Amnesty Advocate Palestinian

Some like to deny it, but Palestinians celebrated 9/11 as much as Jews and Israel did. Clearly neither Palestinians nor Israelis are friends of the Historic American Nation. [What ABC News Footage Shows of 9/11 Celebrations, unattributed, ABC News, December 15, 2015]

Obviously, Palestinians in the U.S. have little or no power, but they voluntarily serve as an adjunct to the predominately Jewish open borders advocates, so this is a slightly difficult choice. But in the end, the greatest threat to America comes from Jews and Israel because of the power they wield, their hatred for the Historic American Nation, and their support for open borders. It was the Cuban-Jewish immigrant Alejandro Mayorkas who opened the borders to fentanyl and an illegal alien invasion. So while I want both Palestinians and Jews out of America so the nation can recover and thrive, Israel remains the greatest threat to the Historic American Nation.

So, on the current war in the Middle East, I say good luck to Hamas. It is sad though that even their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank and Arabs in Israel proper are doing little to assist. Worse yet is that Hezbollah is also absent in the fight. And where is the Iranian arsenal? They keep claiming they will liberate Jerusalem. Time for Iran to join the fight.

A defeat of Israel will severely hamper Jewish power throughout the world and interfere with the Israeli and Jewish involvement in the immigration invasion of the United States and Europe. So, I am hoping for a significant defeat for Israel in the interest of the Historic American Nation, as should all American immigration patriots. A defeat for Israel will also end the Ukrainian conflict, deal a defeat to the Globohomo enterprise, and give America and Europe an opportunity to begin the deportations as Jews will be on the back foot and their influence over immigration policy will decline precipitously. So, a defeated Israel will likely lead to an Operation Wetback II, and that is what immigration patriots should be supporting!

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